Please note that the street sweeping season starts on April 1st and ends on December 31st. However it has been canceled for the remainder of the year due to snow on the ground. Street sweeping is a vital service as it helps clean up debris that can otherwise clog storm drains and lead to flooding. On designated street sweeping days, vehicles must be moved to one side of the street or off street, as noted on signs posted on each street. Vehicles parked in a street sweeping zone during posted hours may be issued a $50 ticket for obstructing street sweeping.
Additionally, please note that
• The street sweeping schedule is available on the city’s website at
• The street signs are the city’s official notice of the street sweeping schedule.
• Side streets are swept on alternating weeks between 8am-12pm
o ODD numbered side of the street is swept on the 1st & 3rd designated day of the month.
o EVEN numbered side of the street is swept on the 2nd and 4th designated day of the month.
o Occasionally both sides of the street may be swept on the same week instead of alternative weeks. This occurs when the month starts on the day of the week that the EVEN numbered side of the street is scheduled to be swept.
• Main streets and Squares are swept weekly from midnight to 6am by DPW staff.
o Each side of the street is swept on a different designated day.
• The city does not sweep private ways.
o An exception may be made if debris is left on a private way due to city construction or weather event.
• The parking ban is in effect during the full street sweeping hours as listed on the schedule to allow the sweepers to return for a second pass if needed. Note that the city contractor will not be asked to return if a section of the street could not be swept due to a parked vehicle.
Constituents are advised to follow the posted signage on the street(s) for the most accurate street sweeping schedule. The online calendar/alert system at is offered as a courtesy service and should be used as a back-up-it is not a fail-safe service. Any online system error resulting in lack of notification or incorrect schedule will not serve as a basis for dismissal of a street sweeping ticket. Any errors in the online schedule should be reported online through: